Osion kuvaus

  • During the spring 2023 implementation of the course Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors, an education research project will take place. On this page you will be provided with information about the research project, the data collection and usage. Here you can also give your consent to participate in the research and provide background information.

    In brief, we aim to study how multidisciplinary student teams on the course enhance learning of mathematics and arts. Especially, we are interested to follow how student’s learning and academic self-concept develops during the course. Research data will be collected via MyCourses platform during the course. Some personal data of the participants, such as field of study, age, and gender, is needed as background information to set up the research context.

    All data is pseudonymised and individual students will not be recognisable. Participation in the research causes no extra work for the participants: all students on the course will do the same activities, but only the data from those students that have given their consent to participate, will be used in the research.

    Please read the Participant Information Sheet and the Privacy Notice below. Then you can give your consent to participate through the e-form Consent to Participate in Research, and provide your background information with Participant Background Information form.

    The participation of as many students as possible is essential for the research! We thank you all in advance. 

    For more information, contact Kirsi Peltonen or Riikka Kangaslampi, contact information provided at the end of the Participant Information Sheet.