MS-E2112 - Multivariate Statistical Analysis D, Lecture, 9.1.2023-21.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 21.04.2023 Search Courses: MS-E2112
Topic outline
Participate to weekly exercises (group 1, group 2, group 3 OR group 4) - not compulsory, but highly recommended - max 3 points. If you attend 2-3 times, you get 1 point. If you attend 4-5 times, you get 2 points. If you attend at least 6 times (out of 11 times), you get 3 points.
In order to earn the exercise points, you have to arrive on time to the exercise session and write your name to the participation list. You can not get any exercise points without attending the exercises.
Exercise session 11 is reserved for the project work and for summarizing the contents of the course.
Attending all the exercise sessions, including the last one, is highly recommended.
Note that all the exercise classes are given on campus. There are no remote groups.
Solve the homework problems and be ready to present your solutions in the exercise group - not compulsory, but highly recommended - max 3 points. Note that your solution does not have to be perfect or even correct --- trying your very best is enough!
If you solve your homework assignments 2-3 times, you get 1 point. If you solve your homework assignments 4-5 times, you get 2 points. If you solve your homework assignments at least 6 times (out of 10 times), you get 3 points.
In order to earn the homework points, you have to arrive on time to the exercise session and write your name to the homework list. You can not get any homework points without attending the exercises.
The exercise points are valid until the end of November 2023.
Project Work
Submit your project work on time as one single pdf-file - THIS IS COMPULSORY - max 6 points
Find a multivariate (at least 3-variate) dataset (Statistics Finland (=Tilastokeskus), OECD, collect yourself, ...), set a research question, and perform multivariate analysis. Write a report (max 10 pages), and submit it below before Friday 14.4.2023 at 12.00! Note that the deadline is at noon, not midnight!
Note that the project work has to be conducted individually. Group work is not allowed.
Goals of the project work:
-Description of the research questions
-Description of the dataset
-Univariate and bivariate statistical analysis to present the variables
-Application of your chosen multivariate statistical methods to answer research questions (justification and output)
-Conclusions and answers to the question raised at the beginning
-Critical evaluation of the analysis
Remember that no findings is a finding!
Note that you will automatically get 0 points from the exam if you will not submit your project work on time!
About grading of the project work:
Maximum points are 6 and the 6 points are divided as follows.
Intro (description of the research question and of the data source or data collection) --- max 0.5 p.
Univariate analysis (description of the variables, summary statistics, visualization) --- max 1p.
Bivariate analysis (analysis of bivariate dependencies, visualization) --- max 1 p.
Multivariate analysis --- max 3 p. This is divided to selection of the method --- max 1 p.; technical implementation --- max 1 p.; and presenting the results/interpretation --- max 1 p.
Critical evaluations (report about possible sources of biases etc.) --- max 0.5 p.
If the report is not polished (blurry images, text in the marginal etc), that may lead to -1p.
Note that you don't have to attach any R-codes to your project work.