CHEM-E0105 - Academic Learning Community, Lecture, 1.9.2022-28.4.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 28.04.2023 Etsi kursseja: CHEM-E0105
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Feedback questionnaire on your first year studies Q-kysely
This is a compensatory exercise for the second feedback sessions so if you did not attend your major's Feedback Session in April, 2023, please answer this questionnaire. You are also welcome to answer this even if you attended the feedback session!
Major-Specific Feedback Sessions, Week 17, April 2023 Sivu
Biomass Refining: Tuesday, 25.4.2023, 12:15-14:00; Ke3
Biotechnology: Monday, 24.4.2023, 10:15-12:00; Ke5
Chemical and Process Engineering: Tuesday, 25.4.2023, 10:15-12:00; Ke4
Chemistry: Thursday, 27.4.2023, 10:15 -12:00; Ke3
Fibre and Polymer Engineering: Wednesday, 26.4.2023, 10:15-12:00; L2
Functional Materials: Wednesday, 26.4.2023, 12:15-14:00; Ke5
Sustainable Metals Processing: Friday, 28.4.2023, 10:15-12:00; Ke3
Feedback Session 1, compensatory assignment Q-kysely
If you did not participate your major's feedback session in January 2023, you have to answer this questionnaire. The deadline for this assignment is Saturday, January 28th, 2023.
Major-Specific Feedback Sessions, Week 3, January, 2023 Sivu
Biomass Refining: Tuesday, 17.1.2023, 12:15-14:00, Ke3
Sustainable Metals Processing: Tuesday, 17.1.2023, 14:15-16:00, Ke3
Fibre and Polymer Engineering: Wednesday, 18.1.2023, 14:15-16:00, L2
Functional Materials: Wednesday, 18.1.2023, 14:15-16:00, Ke5
Chemical and Process Engineering: Thursday, 19.1.2023, 10:15-12:00, Ke3
Biotechnology: Thursday, 19.1.2023, 14:15-16:00, Ke5
Chemistry: Friday, 20.1.2023, 8:15-10:00, Ke3
The students will agree upon a suitable time and place with their advisor. Remember to be active so you will get the most out the advising!
Discussion topics:
- Study progress
- Wellbeing
- Other topics the student and the advisor find relevant
The students will agree upon a suitable time and place with their advisor. Remember to be active so you will get the most out the advising!
Discussion topics:
- Study progress
- Summer work
- Master's thesis
- Wellbeing
- Other topics brought up by the students or the advisor