Topic outline

  • Students' Lab Safety Course in CHEM

    Welcome to Bachelor and Master Students'
    Lab Safety Course

    (Master Thesis workers, summer workers, PhD students and staff: you need to take CHEM Staff lab safety course, not this one. Contact your supervisor and HR) 

    This is 100 % digital course and you can take it anytime during 1.8.-31.12.2022. 
    This course is compulsory if you wish to take  any lab courses in AALTO CHEM. 
    Access to CHEM Buildings is also automatically linked to passing this course (unless you have passed "CHEM-A1010 Turvallinen työskentely laboratoriossa" earlier). 

    Please follow the instructions below:
    1.  Add “CHEM-E0140 Laboratory Safety Course” to your personal study plan (HOPS) in SISU (
    2. Register to the course “CHEM-E0140 Laboratory Safety Course” in SISU ( You must have signed into Aalto before you can sign into courses. If your registration is rejected in Sisu, you need to contact to fix the issue. 
    3. Come back here and choose Virtual Lab and Digital Exam (from left of this page). Follow the link to the Virtual Labs (AALTOLAB) and study all the material there.
      • Technical support: If you have issues with Sisu, please contact
    4. Come back here and take the Digital Exam:
      • To pass the exam, 65 % is needed.
      • The exam is evaluated automatically and you will get the feedback immediately whether you passed or not.
      • You can take the exam as many times you like, no point reduction follows from several attempts.
    5. After passing the Digital Exam, a Lab Pass will be printed to you. Collect the Lab Pass from Study Advisors pop-up office in CHEM Main Lobby (Kemistintie 1), during its opening hours (see opening hours from here:

    Before your Lab Pass is printed and delivered to you, you can still attend the labs after passing Lab Safety Exam: just show from your MyCourses/Grades section that you have passed Lab Safety Exam to the teacher of the lab course. 
    The Lab Pass looks like below:

    yo name

    Thank you for your co-operation!