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    Luennon kalvot. Luentoa käsittelevän miniesseen tehtävänanto ja palautuslaatikko sivun alareunassa.

    Celikoglu, Ozge Merzali, Sebnem Timur Ogut, and Klaus Krippendorff. 2017. How do user stories inspire design? A study of cultural probes. Design Issues 33, no. 2: 84-98. (PDF)
    Chipchase, Jan, Per Persson, Mikko Aarras, Petri Piippo, and Tetsuya Yamamoto. 2005. Mobile essentials. Field study and concepting. Designing for User Experience (DUX) 2-4. (PDF)
    Chipchase, Jan. 2013. Hidden in plain sight. How to create extraordinary products for tomorrow’s customers. New York: Harper Business.
    Crăciun, Magdalena. 2014. Bobbles and values: An ethnography of de-bobbling garments in postsocialist urban Romania. Journal of Material Culture 20, no. 1: 3-20. (PDF)
    Dove, Graham, Sille Julie Abildgaard, Michael Mose Biskjaer, Nicolai Brodersen Hansen, Bo T. Christensen, and Kim Halskov. 2018. Grouping notes through nodes: The functions of Post-It notes in design team cognition. Design Studies 57, 112-134. (PDF)
    EPIC (Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Community) on aktiivinen yhteisö, jonka verkkosivulla on runsaasti esimerkiksi opetusvideoita, kirjallisuutta ja työpaikkailmoituksia laadullisen ethnografian tekijöille.
    Fulton Suri, Jane, and Suzanne Gibbs Howard. 2006. Going Deeper, Seeing Further: Enhancing Ethnographic Interpretations to Reveal More Meaningful Opportunities for Design. Journal of Advertising Research 46, no. 3: 246-250. (PDF)
    Gioia, Dennis A, Kevin G Corley, and Aimee L Hamilton. 2012. Seeking qualitative rigor in inductive research: Notes on the Gioia Methodology. Organizational Research Methods 16, no. 1: 15-31. (PDF)
    Kassan, Anusha, Suzanne Goopy, Amy Green, Nancy Arthur, Sarah Nutter, Shelly Russell-Mayhew, Monica Sesma Vazquez, and Halley Silversides. 2020. Becoming new together: making meaning with newcomers through an arts-based ethnographic research design. Qualitative Research in Psychology 17, no. 2: 294-311. (PDF)
    Murto, Pekka, Sampsa Hyysalo, Jouni K. Juntunen, and Mikko Jalas. 2020. Capturing the micro-level of intermediation in transitions: Comparing ethnographic and interview methods. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions (PDF)
    Saldaña, Johnny. 2011. Fundamentals of qualitative research. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Saldaña, Johnny. 2013. The coding manual for qualitative researchers. Second edition. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. LIITTEENÄ luku 1 (PDF)
    Tsai, W-C, and E Van den Hoven. 2018. Memory probes. Exploring retrospective user experience through traces of use on cherished objects. International Journal of Design 12, no. 3: 57-72. (PDF)