TU-E1021 - Strategies for Growth and Renewal D, Lecture, 9.1.2023-15.2.2023
This course space end date is set to 15.02.2023 Search Courses: TU-E1021
Topic outline
Please enroll in this course by the 2nd of January 2023 through SISU. This is an advanced master's level course and requires students to have completed their bachelor thesis and to have some basic knowledge regarding strategic management and strategy.
Please find below the updated syllabus in PDF format to become aware how this course will be delivered.
Each teaching session's materials and preparatory work will be found in the relevant section of MyCourses (please check the grey column on the left). The sessions are to be prepared.
Course Staff
Responsible teacher/ Instructor: Dr. Riku Österman (riku.osterman@aalto.fi)Office hours: Tue & Fri 14:30-16:00 (please book an online meeting via email)
Course Assistant - grading essays & coaching analyses: Tomasz Mucha (tomasz.mucha@aalto.fi)
Version 1.5 of the course syllabus.
89.0 KB · Uploaded 15/02/23, 07:11