ELO-E3525 - Kontaktit alaan ja tekijyyteen, Luento-opetus, 27.3.2023-21.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 21.04.2023 Search Courses: ELO-E3525
Topic outline
ELO-E3525: kontaktit alaan ja tekijyyteen viikot 13 ja 16
Teacher saara.saarela@aalto.fi
The course is intended for those graduating in spring (or autumn) 2023. Those who graduate later (2024) will take it next year. The course is held every year.
Contacts to the field and authorship mainly focuses on the future plans of MA directors who are graduating and will soon enter working life: better understanding of their own authorial profile, refining their career plans and, if schedules allow, we will meet a few producers who open their processes in finding projects to advance. Through assignments and practical exercises, students orient themselves to the future by making their plans visible and by reflecting and examining their creative work process. In the course, the students' own project plans are reviewed and discussed, and tutored how to move them forward. The purpose is to make it clearer for the student how films are made in Finland, in which direction they will go after their studies and what they concretely need to realize their goals.
KURSSIN (alustava) AIKATAULU / Preliminary schedule
There is an individual pre-assignment to do for the course. You find it below.
Contact days 9h30-16, lunch 12-13 if not mentioned otherwise (+ film screening 29.3 klo 17h30)
Viikko 13
Ma 27.3 CLASS L102 (Väre) Contact teaching 9h30-14.45 (MA 2 seminar)
- Kick start, content and aims
- What kind of director I want to be? My authorship, my profile?
- Pre-assigment go through
Ti 28.3 CLASS L102 (Väre) Contact teaching 9h30-16
- Pre-assigment go through continues
- 11-13 Workshops and project advancement with Suzy Gillet (zoom)
- Director’s income and grant systems in Finland: how to survive as a film director?
- SELO: director’s contracts
- Giving assignment 1 (future film projects)
Ke 29.3
- Independent work on assignment 1
- klo 17h30 Cairo Conspiracy by Tarik Saleh screening (premiere) Tennispalatsi 2 (Salomonkatu 5)
To 30.3.
- klo 10-11 in ORION: discussion with director Tarik Saleh
- Independent work on assignment 1
Pe 31.3 CLASS L102 (Väre) Contact teaching 9h30-16
- Assignment 1: Each participant’s future plans and film projects go through
- Giving assignment 1B: Development of film idea / future film projects (for week 16)
- Giving assignment 2: producer profiles, what do you want and need?
In between weeks 13 and 16, you will advance with your future film projects / ideas according to the state of your work. You will be presenting the project (again) in week 16.
Viikko 16
Ma 17.4 CLASS Contact teaching 9h30-16
- 9h-10h ENDEMOL SHINE Työpajankatu 10 A
- 12-16h contact in Otaniemi
- SES: role and practicalities
- Development of feature
- Presentation of revised film projects
- Giving assignment 1C: development plan
- Assignment 2: go through of producer profiles and prepared questions
- Giving additional assignment on SELOOPAS
Ti 18.4 Contact teaching 9-16
- klo 10-11: Dionysos Films. Pengerkatu 18.
- Klo 13-14 Tack Films
- Independent work on assignment 1C
Ke 19.4 Contact teaching 9-16
- Independent work on assignment 1C
- BUFO 13.45-15.15 (Työpajankatu 2 Teurastamo)
To 20.4 Contact teaching 9-16
- klo 9-11 Rimbo Salomaa Solar Films (Veneentekijäntie 20)
- Independent work on assignment 1C
Pe 21.4 CLASS Contact teaching 9h30-16
- Assignment 1 C: development plan. Last look at projects and plans for the future
- Pre-assignment last questions : closest work partners and views on employment
- SELOOPAS go through
- feedback, wrap and off you go!
Ennakkotehtävä - Pre-assignment
Here you find
- Anne Bogart's introduction in her book A Director prepares: seven essays on art and theatre.
- list of producers (marked who we decided to contact) as photo
- Suzy's list on labs
TEHTÄVÄT / TASKS / CV palautuskansio / returns Assignment
FERA survey on EU authors' renumeration File PDF
Research on how directors and screenwriters work and earn in Europe.
TV series cookbook File PDF
Ohjaajan mallisopimus pitkä elokuva / Director's agreement for feature film File RTF