Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    • Hi everyone and welcome to this year's Docufiction course!

      The course will be taught by responsible teachers Arturo and Saara, partly substituted by director Ville Jankeri. We will have visiting lecturers, film screenings, an individual field trip, a day to work with professional actors, an approach in performance and a filmic exercise to be realized in pairs. The last two days are reserved for watching the exercises you have done during these weeks and discussing them. This workshop will expose students to documentary and fiction point of views in different formats as well as storytelling and character building. Our aim, is not to to tell you what docufiction is or should be, instead we want to find out with you what docufiction COULD be. We want to expose you to different impulses and points of view, so the different lectures, inspirational talks and exercises are meant to reinforce and broaden your perception of cinema.

      Docpoint is also part of this course, so everyone attending the course will get accreditation (Saara Toiviainen has been in contact with you already. If not please contact us asap). We will indicate which films are good to watch and which discussions to follow.

      Here is the overall schedule, you will get more info on the (small) preassignment too.

      WEEK 4

      MONDAY 23.1 in Q202 / 9.30-17 (contact)

      Morning: Kick start. Situating docufiction as a genre.

      Afternoon: going through pre-assignment + film screening.


      TUESDAY 24.1 in Q202 / 9h30-17 (contact)

      Morning: Discussing filmic exercise and forming teams.

      Afternoon: Saara on "What could docufiction be from fiction POV"?


      WEDNESDAY 25.1 (independent)

      Morning: Field trip individually or in pairs according to given exercise.

      Afternoon: Independent watching/reading


      THURSDAY 26.1 in Q202 / 9h30-17 (contact)

      Morning: film screening + discussion

      Afternoon: script swap exercise


      FRIDAY 27.1 in Q202 / 9h30-16 (contact)

      Film screening + discussion

      WEEK 5

      MONDAY 30.1 in Q202 and Q101 / 9h-17 (contact)

      Improvisation day with actors (improvising field trip findings further)

      Those who leave to MA seminar 1 will finish at 14h45. The rest will continue.

      TUESDAY 31.1 in Q202 / 9h-17

      Morning: Asta Raami on intuition Dare to harness your human brilliance: Are you dreaming of better skills to envision, invent and make decisions? Are you exhausted of work overload or feel lost in front of uncertain future?

      Afternoon: Script swap exercise + finalizing groups for film exercises.

      WEDNESDAY 1.2 and THURSDAY 2.2
      Planning filmic exercise independently (no class)

      FRIDAY 3.2 in Q202 / 9h30-17

      Morning: Visitor Renata Ferraz. Renata will talk about her artistic research for Rising Sun Blues (DocPoint 2023)

      Afternoon: Groups short (informal) presentations about ideas for film exercises.


      WEEK 6

      MONDAY 6.2 in Q201 / 9-17 (contact)

      Kristiina Junttila workshop => Performance as creative method.

      TUESDAY 7.2 in Q201 / 9-17 (contact)

      Morning: Kristiina Junttila workshop => Performance as creative method.

      Afternoon: TBC.


      WEDNESDAY 8.2 (independent)

      Filmic exercise planning + shoot

      THURSDAY 9.2 (independent)

      Filmic exercise planning + shoot

      FRIDAY 10.2 (independent)

      Filmic exercise planning + shoot


      WEEK 7

      MONDAY 13.2 (independent)

      Filmic exercise planning + shoot + edit

      TUESDAY 14.2 (independent)

      Filmic exercise edit

      WEDNESDAY 15.2 (independent)

      Filmic exercise edit + finalizing + deliveries

      THURSDAY 16.2 in Odeion / 9h30-16 (contact)

      Screening of filmic exercises + discussion

      FRIDAY 17.2 in Odeion / 9h30-16 (contact)

      Screening of filmic exercises + discussion + final feedback and WRAP

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Kansio icon
      Enhancing realism in fiction - SLIDES + IMPRO book Kansio

      Here you have Saara's slides from Tuesday. And Keith Johntone's book on IMPRO.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Kansio icon
      EXERCISES: Filed trip + filmic exercise Kansio

      Here you find the exercises.

      • THE FIELD TRIP is done today WED 25th and you use your findings (characters and situations) on MONDAY 30.1 in the same pairs as base for the impro.
      • FILMIC EXERCISE is for after that, it doesn't need to be done from field trip material, they don't need to be releted but they can. For the filmic exercise you can form new pairs if necessery. The pairs will be fixed on MONDAY 30.1 or TUESDAY 31.1
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Kansio icon
      SCRIPT SWAP exercise on Thursday 26.1 Kansio
      Here you find the brief for tomorrow's script swap.

    • SCHEDULE on Thursday 16.2 and Friday 17.2 in ODEION!

      THURSDAY 16.2

      All day in ODEION

      9.30 - 10.15

      Milja + Kiia

      10.15 - 11.00

      Alicia + Siiri

      11.15 - 12.00

      Julius + Nida

      12.00 - 13.15


      13.15 - 14.00

      Kasia + Makki

      14.15 - 15.15

      Film screening


      FRIDAY 17.2

      Q202 and ODEION


      Jani + Tuuli in Q202

      11.00 - 12.00

      LUNCH (and move to Odeion)

      12.00 - 12.45

      Hadi + Sissi + Marleena

      13.00 – 14.00

      Feedback discussion on whole course

      14.00 – 15.30

      Film Screening AND IT’S A WRAP!