Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    • Welcome to this Incubator course! You find the content and assessment desciption in the syllabus. Below the preliminary schedule (there still might me slight changes). YOU CAN FIND THE PRE-ASSIGNMENT NOW ON THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE.

      We meet for the first time on MONDAY 19.9 at 9h30 in Class F102 in Väre. Please be present to ensure your place in the course.

      (English below)

      Kahden viikon ideointityöpajan aikana opiskelijat kehittävät lyhytelokuvaideoita, oppivat esittämään ja puhumaan ideoistaan, ryhmäytyvät sekä löytävät mahdollisia muita taiteellisia vastaavia työryhmiinsä. Ke 28.9 järjestetään koko ELON MA opiskelijoiden kesken speedmeeting tapahtuma, missä voi tutustua / tavata koulun muita opiskelijoita. Kurssilla sekä kirjoitetaan, tehdään nopeita ryhmäharjoitteita sekä kuullaan puheenvuoroja ideoimisesta, teemojen ja tarinoiden synnyttämisestä. Kurssilla kirjoitetaan sekä käydään läpi rakentavan palautteen periaatteita, ELOlla tehtävien elokuvien tuotantoperiaatteet ja presentaatiopaketin luominen (pitch deck). Kurssi on avoin kaikille, jotka haluavat ideoida omaa lyhytelokuvaa, mutta pakollinen/tarpeellinen MA käsikirjoittajille, tuottajille ja elokuvaohjaajille, sekä dokumenttiohjaajille jotka tähtäävät koulun päärahoittamaan lopputyöelokuvaan (MAF tai MAD).

      During this 2 week short film idea incubator, students idealize and develop ideas to a shortfilm, either individually or in teams. Students learn how to speak about and communicate their ideas, find teams (screenwriter, director, producer) and can find other team members for their films. On WED 28.9 there will be a speedmeeting day, where students from this course meet students from other MA majors in ELO (such as cinematographers, sound designers, editors, production and costume designers). During this course there will be quick idea and writing exercises, key speakers on how to find a theme and form for a shortfilm. We will also go through principles and the meaning of constructive feedback in idea/story development and what is a good presentation package. ELO producer Ilkka Mertsola will present the guidelines for making films in ELO and the new criteria for MA thesis films (both fictions and documentaries). The course is open for anyone who wants to develop a short film, but necessary for those directors, producers, writers and documentarists who intend to do a thesis film during their 2 year MA studies.

      Teaching times:

      morning: 9h30-12

      luch 12h-13h (can vary)

      afternoon: 13h-16.30

      Week 38

      Mon 19.9

      F102 Väre


      Tutustuminen: esittäytymiset, ennakkotehtävien läpikäynti

      Kick start /pre-assignments go through.



       Idea rehearses in small groups

      Tue 20.9


      School producer Ilkka Mertsola

      ·       How fims are produced in ELO? Thesis film and independent film processes and their differences. Inhouse and co-productions

      ·       Aaltostudios services: Markus Korhonen


      Idea rehearses in small groups

      Wed 21.9


      Inspiring lecture 1: Kirsikka Saari


      Idea exercises in small groups

      Thur 22.9


      Inspiring lecture 2: Arturo Delgado (prof in documentary)


      Finnish Film Affair project pitches (in Bio Rex)

      Fri 23.9


      Writing ASSIGNMENT 1


      Team forming and ASSIGNMENT 2


      Week 39

      Mon 26.9


      Constructive feedback: what is it and how to use it in

      idea/story development (Kirsikka+Saara)


      Producer Miia Haavisto: what is a good presentation package


      Independent work on assignments

      Tue 27.9


      Feedback on projects (Saara ja Kirsikka) + individual / team work on ideas


      Inspiring lecture 3: Raija Talvio (prof in screenwiting)

      Wed 28.9


      Speedmeeting with other ELO majors


      Feedback on projects (Saara ja Kirsikka)

      + Independent work on ideas (according to feedback)

      Thur 29.9


      Feedback on projects (Saara ja Kirsikka)

      + Independent work on ideas (according to feedback)


      Finalizing ideas individually or in teams

      + preparation for presentation

      Fri 30.9


      Idea presentations


    • Tehtävä icon

      Here you find the pre-assignment, please return it here by Sunday 18th evening so we can easily look at them all together on Monday.

      Please ask in the discussion section if you have any questions about the assignemnt or the course, so everyone can follow. Thanks!

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
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    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
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      MATERIALS / lectures Kansio

      Here you find all the slides for inspiring lectures from Kirsikka and Arturo.

      And also the slides about Feedback from Kirsikka and Saara.

      As well as Miia Haavisto's slides for presentation package.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
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      ASSIGNMENT 2 Kansio
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tiedosto icon

      Here you find the presentation schedule for ideas on Friday.

      Each project or individual, has 20 min time (10 min presenantion and 10 min discussion). I keep time, but rehearse so you can present the core of your idea in 10 min tops.

      Form is free, present your work however you like, as long as others (fellow students and teachers) get a grip of your idea. Remember, that there are people listening, who don't know anything about your idea yet, have never heard about it before. So present it to people as if they would hear it for the first time. You do't need to go through the modifications or how the idea has developed during these weeks, concentrate instead in telling what the idea is now. We can discuss about the modifications after your presentation if needed.  So the presentation can include for example:

      - TITLE (working title)

      - logline

      - main characters and the main conflict

      - description of the world (where the story happens, its mood, atmosphere)

      - synopsis or starting point of the story (”Somebody wants something badly and is having difficulty getting it.”)

      - genre (drama, comedy, fantasy, horror, etc)

      - why this idea interests you?

      - image(s) (that best describe the mood, world, look or style you are after).

      - next steps: how are you advancing now, what do you need/want to do next?