Topic outline

  • General

    • Details of course content

      PRELIMINARY TASK                                                                                                             

      All students will get a script of a long feature film and that need to be read before the course starts. During the course students will work in groups with that script and prepare different kind of breakdowns according given tasks.

      SCRIPT can be found from My Courses / recourses -section

      Later, before the course starts, there will be also more detailed information about the preparations according to the given script.



      Details of the course materials


      Basic material of this course, the script, is confidential and it is forbidden to distribute this material forward.

      Additional information


      Learning outcome of this course is to get simulated experience and observations about the process of making a long feature film. How to manage a big scale production and how to develop working processes during pre-production so that workflow during filming, post-production and marketing / distribution could be more fluent?



      Details on the schedule



      Monday 16.1 at 9:00

      VÄRE room Q202


      Tuesday 17th January

      Students own work (room F101 Väre booked)


      Wednesday 18th January 

      Students own work (room L101 Väre booked)


      Thursday 19th January

      Mandatory MA-films pitching event - more information from ELO's producer Anu Hukka


      Friday 20th January

      9.00 - 17.00

      VÄRE room F101

      Student group's presentations, conversations, and feedback.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assigment folder + supporting material Assignment

      Hi everyone!

      Please return your full assignment in this folder BY THURSDAY 19.1 17h.

      And please send the material also by mail to (director) Marja Pyykkö who is substituing Saara on Wed and Friday!

      If you have just one PDF file (RECOMENDED), it's enough if one team member returns it. If you have several PDFs, please make sure each member of your team returns their assignment (in chosen form).

      You also find some supporting material here:

      • Rabiger's form and esthetics questionnaire
      • Screenplay analyses (by Clare Downs) as an example
      • Analyysin perusteet by Raija Talvio (whole book can be found in Oppimiskeskus or ask Saara)

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student

      In this folder you find the assigments and teams presented on Monday 16th.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student

      HERE you find the material for Documentarists. And the supporting material given on Monday by Arturo.

    • FRIDAY 20.1 SCHEDULE in class F101 9h30-17

      Please remember to return your presentation in the designated Assignment folder + supporting material folder AND also on Thursday via mail to Marja Pyykkö Marja Rane will also make sure she gets them on Friday morning.

      Remember that you don't need to present (or explain) everything on Friday, but we need to have all your plans in writing (in one document). So basically you present us the outcome, and bullet points how you got there.

      Here are the presenation times. Since this course was mostly independent studying in groups, we emphasize that it's relevant to be present all day Friday, not only during your slot. Seeing and discussing how other groups have approached the breakdowns is essential to this course. And now also to see how documentarists approach a script. Since there isn't one way of doing things. 

      30 min presentations + 30 min discussion. Please give time for each member of your team to have their say.

      klo 9.30-10.30 group 2. Documentarists

      klo 10.45-11.45 Group 1: Screenwriters

      LUNCH 11.45-12.45

      klo 12-13: Group 5

      klo 13.15-14.15: Group 4

      klo 15.30 – 16.30: Group 3

      klo 16.30-17: Final feedback and wrap