Topic outline

    • Assignment icon

      Each group prepares a PowerPoint presentation of a portion of the reading materials of the course.

      The presentation should include:

      -       key points of the text that is your assigned portion of the reading material


      -       your own reflections on how to implement what is indicated in the portion: what can each of you offer in your professional role to the wellbeing of the work community as a whole and how to take care of yourself


      The maximum length of the presentation is 10 minutes. The presentations should be in English.

      The presentations will take place on Friday, December 9th 


      Groups & assigned materials


      Elokuva- ja TV-tuotantoalan työsuojeluopas SUOMEKSI (the English version is a shorter summary)

      Group 1                              Pages 4 – 9 and 24 – 30

      Group 2                              Pages 10 – 23

      Group 3                              Pages 31 – 44

      Group 4                              Pages 45 – 62

      Group 5                              Pages 63 – 75

      Group 6   

      Two texts:                          

      - Ohjeistus seksuaalisen häirinnän ehkäisyyn elokuva- ja tv-alalla/Guidelines for the prevention   of sexual harassment in the film and television industries/ Anvisning för förebyggandet av sexuell trakasseri inom film- och TV-branschen

      -  Who Cares? The Media Industry’s Culture of Carelessness

      Group 7                             

      Ohjeistus intiimikohtausten tekemiseen kameratyöskentelyssä/Guidelines for doing intimate scenes in camera work/ Riktlinjer for intima scener i kamera-arbetet



    • File icon

      task for EVERYONE: individual study in stead of the lecture 

    • Assignment icon

      Each group prepares a PowerPoint presentation of a portion of the reading materials of the course.

      The presentation should include:

      -       key points of the text that is your assigned portion of the reading material


      -       your own reflections on how to implement what is indicated in the portion: what can each of you offer in your professional role to the wellbeing of the work community as a whole and how to take care of yourself


      The maximum length of the presentation is 10 minutes. The presentations should be in English.

      The presentations will take place on Friday, December 9th 


      Groups & assigned materials


      Elokuva- ja TV-tuotantoalan työsuojeluopas SUOMEKSI (the English version is a shorter summary)

      Group 1                              Pages 4 – 9 and 24 – 30

      Group 2                              Pages 10 – 23

      Group 3                              Pages 31 – 44

      Group 4                              Pages 45 – 62

      Group 5                              Pages 63 – 75

      Group 6   

      Two texts:                          

      - Ohjeistus seksuaalisen häirinnän ehkäisyyn elokuva- ja tv-alalla/Guidelines for the prevention   of sexual harassment in the film and television industries/ Anvisning för förebyggandet av sexuell trakasseri inom film- och TV-branschen

      -  Who Cares? The Media Industry’s Culture of Carelessness

      Group 7                             

      Ohjeistus intiimikohtausten tekemiseen kameratyöskentelyssä/Guidelines for doing intimate scenes in camera work/ Riktlinjer for intima scener i kamera-arbetet