Osion kuvaus

  • General information

    This course includes computer-aided design (CAD) exercises. While most of the CAD work is done independently, we also provide some online sessions where there will be an assistant helping you. You can complete all the exercises from your personal computers. You don't have to use Aalto computers. All you need is to follow the steps below to get you all set for the CAD exercises.  

    Use the course's Discussion forum to ask questions off-session, or join this Telegram group to ask questions there: https://t.me/+hYpnKsya_e5jMDVk. This group is for CAD-related discussions. 

    Step 1: Before starting with the CAD exercises.

    The CAD exercises will be performed on a remote computer governed by the Electronic Circuit Design (ECD) group. The computer that is dedicated to student usage is named Vspace. It is accessible while connected to an Aalto network. Also, an ECD group computer account is required to access Vspace. Therefore, you need to apply for a personal account before you can begin with the CAD exercises! If you acquired an ECD account earlier, you might have to reactivate it.

    • To get the account, take the following steps.

    1. Connect to the Aalto server Via the Cisco AnyConnenct VPN client. Skip this step, If you are using a computer connected to an Aalto network (eduroam). To connect to the Aalto server, first download the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client from Aalto download. The steps for establishing a remote connection to Aalto networks are shown Here. Note: Always when working on CAD exercises, you need to be connected to Aalto Network using this step.
    2. Apply for a user account at http://bubba.ecdl.hut.fi/forms. Do not mind the possible insecure connection warning. The correct job title is "Student," and the application type is "Apply for a Computer user account.”
    3. After receiving a notification by email that your account is ready, meet Mr. Artturi Kaila in room 2187 (TUAS building) to get your account activated. You will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement form. After that, you will receive a temporary password with the activated user account.

    Step 2: Start an X session (graphical session) in Vspace.

    • First, you need to download remote desktop software. The recommended software is X2Go or VMware. I prefer VMware as it's easier to set up.

    • To Install X2Go and start an X session in vspace, please do the following:
    1. go to https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:installation:x2goclient
    2. Download the latest X2Goclient for your operating system.
    3. Follow the hints for X2Go installation. For OS X, XQuartz is also required.
    4. Open X2Go Client
    5. Open Session -> New Session menu item.
    6. Type a unique session name into the Session name text box (for example, vspace).
    7. Set the following settings in the Session tab: Host: "vspace.ecdl.hut.fi”, Login: your ecdl user name (usually NOT your Aalto username), and SSH Port: "22”. Make sure the Session type is XFCE.
    8. Click Ok, and a new white session box named vspace appears in the window.
    9. Click on the session box and type in your password. Click  Ok to start a session.
    10. You should be logged in to vspace and ready to start the exercises. You may resize the window or go full-screen (recommended) by pressing [Alt+Ctrl+F]. Use the same key combination to exit full-screen mode when needed.


    • To Install VMware, please do the following: (I use this)
    1. go to https://vdi.aalto.fi 
    2. Download the VMware Horizon client, and open it.
    3. Use the Server name: vdi.aalto.fi
    4. Log in using your Aalto username and password.
    5. Select the virtual desktop you like, e.g., Ubuntu for Linux. 
    6. More information can be found here.

    Step 3: Start Virtuoso

    • After you download, set up the remote desktop software, and you are connecting to Aalto Network. Do the following:
    1. Follow the steps in "Instructions to start Virtuoso."
    2. Only for the first time you need to change the temporary password via ssh. Log in to vspace via ssh by typing 'ssh yourusername@vspace.ecdl.hut.fi' in a terminal. Use your temporary password to log in. You are automatically addressed to change your password when you log in the first time (if you are not, type 'passwd'). After changing your password, type 'exit' to quit the ssh session. This is also mentioned in "Instructions to start Virtuoso."
    3. Now you can log in with the new password and start working on the CAD exercises.
    4. After you start virtuoso, follow the rest of the steps from the "CAD 1a: Amplifier Analysis" document.  


    Always remember: Don't close the remote desktop window from the upper right corner when you finish your exercises. This way, your software stays open for the next session (the session remains unterminated). However, always close all CAD software when you are not actively using it. An open piece of software reserves a license, and a limited number of CAD software licenses exist. In other words: don't reserve a CAD license unnecessarily, possibly preventing other students from using CAD software.