35E00350 - Sales & Operations Planning D, Lecture, 2.3.2023-21.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 21.04.2023 Search Courses: 35E00350
Topic outline
Please note that each review is a two-page report. This means that if the reading package for a given lecture has more than one article, the page limit for the report is still two pages. Alternatively put, it is two pages/report, not two pages/article.
Accepted file types:
- Reviews 1 and 2: .pdf;
- Reviews 3 to 7: .pdf (policy change to enable PDF annotation feedback).
Grading rubric for the article reviews
- O = no content or nonsensical content
- 1 = The writer misunderstands or misinterprets the article(s). Nevertheless, the review shows that the writer at least has read the article(s).
- 2 = The report shows superficial analyses. For instance, the writer just simply summarizes the article(s).
- 3 = The writer has a decent basis of understanding and analysis of the concept under study
- 4 = The writer shows superior analysis and critical thinking of the concept under study and distinguishes himself/herself from other peer reports