35E00350 - Sales & Operations Planning D, Lecture, 2.3.2023-21.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 21.04.2023 Search Courses: 35E00350
Article Review 1
Completion requirements
Due: Thursday, 9 March 2023, 1:00 PM
You can find the Template for article reviews and the reading materials (Reading for Session 1) by clicking the Hyperlinks. If there is more than one article in the reading package, please read all of them.
Please name your file as follows: 35E00350_article_review_2_firstname_lastname.docx. If your name is Adam Smith, your submission should be named as follows: 35E00350_article_review_1_adam_smith.docx.
Please read the following points, extracted from the syllabus, very carefully.
- The reviews of the articles are individual work.
- Each article review is a two-page report (1.5 spacing with font size 12) that must be returned before the deadline in order to be evaluated.
- Typically, a review summarizes the idea and key findings of the analyzed article. Students can also challenge the authors by presenting critical comments or counter views on the findings or by identifying possible flaws in the research setting.
- A review should include but not limited to the following: thematic focus, key findings, the novelty of idea/counter view, conclusions.
- Submit your review in PDF format.