37C00400 - Programming I, Lecture, 26.10.2022-5.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 05.12.2022 Search Courses: 37C00400
Topic outline
The re-take exam questions in PDF format will be provided here, as well as the submission box for the answers, on February 6, 2023 at 16-19 (+15 minutes extra time for submission technicalities). The exam can be made at home, e.g. using VSCode when crafting the answer code and testing it (instructions are below how to set up an exam folder and Question.py-files). The answers should be copy-pasted in a submission template (word file) that is provided here also (both below and also in the submission box). You are allowed to use available learning resources (i.e. this is an open-book exam), but discussing with other students or persons is strictly forbidden during the exam! Checks will be made to compare similar solutions to the coding problems. The questions (ca. 6 in total) will resemble the MOOC's exercises, and they vary in points between 3 to 7 (max points is 30 from the exam).
For the purposes of the online exam, you may apply these instructions for creating beforehand an Exam folder and separate QuestionX.py files in VS Code.
Submit your exam answers here by 19.15 o'clock (or 20.15 o'clock if you have been granted 1 hour extension to the time by Johanna Bragge). Use the answering sheet template (click the submission box to access the answering sheet, or download from below), and submit the answers in the same (word) format - do not convert the file!
A separate question file will be provided above the submission box on February 6, 2023 at 16.00 o'clock.