37C00100 - Management Information Systems, Lecture, 28.2.2023-20.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 20.04.2023 Search Courses: 37C00100
Topic outline
The course launched on February 28 at 13.15 in Otakaari 1 M, Hall U8. The lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays are not compulsory, and will be recorded if possible. Bonus points will be granted from presence in guest lectures (see survey below in this page).
The syllabus is available below (updated March 2). 60% of the course grade will consist of 7 assignments, and 40% from exam (online exam in MyCourses). See summary picture of the course below.
If you have any inquiries, please contact Johanna Bragge (@aalto.fi)
Course feedback summary File PDF
Thank you for all 108 students, who provided valuable feedback for the further development of the course! The feedback summary is provided for your information below, and the teacher's feedback on this summary will be provided via course news. You may still give feedback via the anonymous presemo for the MIS course: https://presemo.aalto.fi/mis23
Diary and bonus points File PDF
You will find the points from the course diary, guest lecture presences and service design groupwork here. Inform Johanna if you notice any anomalies. The survey feedback points (2) will still be added after May 3 when the survey closes. Note that the course diary was a written assignment, and clicking only the three sentiments was graded with 0,5 points (max 2). The diary grading was based on the completion level of the 7 assignments' diary, not on the content of the reflections.
Check here all guest lectures that you have been present (at least 75% of the lecture's time). You may update your choices until April 7. Note that the teacher will also hold records of the number of students attending each guest lecture. This information will be used when granting the up to 10 bonus points.
Data submitted via Aalto Course Diaries above or using its mobile app) or other tools used at this course (such as Panopto) may be used for pedagogical research. The data can be connected to other data sources, such as Sisu, and student interview or questionnaire data. Personal or identifiable data is never disclosed when reporting the results, but the data is handled ethically and anonymised. If you want to opt out from the pedagogical research, please select "No thanks" by entering this poll from the title! Your selection does not have any effect to course grading, and the choices will be checked only when such pedagogical research is conducted.