Osion kuvaus

    • Turnitin Tehtävä 2 icon

      Note that this is a Turnitin box, which checks the originality of the texts. You can manually mark this activity completed (for the completion progress bar purposes) by clicking 'Mark as done' next to the title.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Submit here a screenshot of the page where your account details and the total points earned is shown. Insert the screenshot via the photo icon in the submission box (it might be hidden under advanced options).

    • Q-kysely icon
    • Q-kysely icon
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tehtävä icon
      BOX 4b - Submission of Assignment 4 - Chatbot - ALTERNATIVE box for file submissions Tehtävä

      Use this submission box only if you did not get a certificate URL from the CC.ai Chatbot course.

    • Tehtävä icon

      For reporting this assignment, submit the screenshot or picture that shows both your name and the (7) sections that you have completed. The invitation to Tableau Online has been sent to you on March 6 (from reghelp@onlinemail.tableau.com - check also your junk email box!). In case you haven't received the invitation, contact Johanna via email and tell an alternative email (e.g. gmail) that can be used to send a new invitation. You will need the Tableau Online account also in Assignment 6.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Submit here a screenshot of your Personal Space folder which lists the workbooks (4 expected) you have published while repeating the tutorial videos, and the one that you made with open data. Insert the screenshot via the photo icon in the submission box (it might be hidden under advanced options). Remember to mention the URL for the open data source that you used (either in the submission box or on the Tableau workbook). Make sure you have published your Executive dashboard as instructed in the course announcement (March 31, 14 o'clock) - auto-saving is not sufficient for others (graders) to inspect the dashboard.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Submit your text-mining assignment report here, in PDF format. Recommended length is 2-3 pages.

    • LINK to submission of the Course Diary (DL 14.4.) - You can manually mark this activity done below.

      Remember also to answer the official course feedback survey during April 13 - May 3 via the link sent to your email (worth 2 bonus points). Thank you!

    • Keskustelualue icon
      Please upload your team's photos here so that the other course participants are able to see them also.