Topic outline

  • Overview

    Welcome to the MyCourses workspace for the Fall 2022 edition of the course Cloud Software and Systems (CS-E4190).

    The course is run in online mode except for the first introductory lecture. The number of participants may need to be limited and the SISU registrations will be finalized after the registration period. If this is a mandatory course for you, you have guaranteed admission. NB: the current status of your registration in SISU (i.e. would be selected or not) may not be up to date as we will do further prioritization.

    More information about the course and the related practicalities will be given during the first lecture of the course. You could also refer to the course syllabus and the frequently asked questions until then.

    • Forum icon
      General news and announcements
    • Page icon

      Frequently asked questions, including on course practicalities.

    • Page icon

      Principles and rules for course-related matters.

    • Page icon

      How to contact the course staff.

    • Not available unless: Your User account contains (use: contains
      Page icon
      Exercises and assignments Page

      General information about course exercises and assignments in the A+ platform, including submission instructions.

    • Not available unless: Your User account contains (use: contains
      URL icon
      A+ workspace of the course URL

      The exercises and assignments of the course for Fall 2022 on the A+ learning management system.

    • URL icon

      Zulip chat for discussions and assistance during the course.