CS-E4900 - User-Centered Methods for Product and Service Design D, Lecture, 5.9.2022-7.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 07.12.2022 Search Courses: CS-E4900
Topic outline
These MyCourses pages will be updated for the Autumn 2022 course in August.
The course will be given on campus and starts on
Monday 5.9.2022 10:15 - 12:00 in Lecture hall T2 (CS building 1. floor, next to the main entrance)First lecture has compulsory attendance in order to be admitted to the course. Students missing the first lecture have been emailed instruction to save the day.
Students who registered at the first lecture have now (5.9.2022) been forwarded to SISU and your registration should take place momentarily, MC forums should open to you tomorrow Tue 6.9.2022.
Learning objectives:
- To be able to explain and apply methods for usability research emphasising:
- methods for user research at the beginning of the user-centred design process in gathering user requirements for development;
- tools and methods for analysing qualitative data.
- To be able to search for relevant scientific publications.
- To be able to write academically and reference properly.
The course has two main activities::
1 ) Read through the provided materials (+1 of your own choosing) on user research methodology and write a reflective essay. After writing the essay you must also read and review three of your fellow students' essays.
2) In groups of 4-5 students to:
- Conduct a small observation and interview field study
- Analyse your findings on series of workshops and present your results as your final pitch.
Selection criteria:
The number of participants will be limited (120). Registrations will be prioritized in the following order:
1) The students that have the course as a mandatory or optional part in SSE, Information Networks, ICT Innovation HCID, or HCI majors,
2) The students that have the course as a mandatory or optional part in SSE, Information Networks, uSchool, or HCI minors,
3) The students that have the course as an elective part of their major,
4) The students that have the course as an elective part of their minor, and
5) All other students based on registration order.