Topic outline

  • Welcome to the course!

    Welcome to the home page of International Business in the Era of Disruptions course.

    The course will be organized in a hybrid format because we also welcome students from other business schools around Europe. Please note that only students who attend the course through the ECOL network or students who are too sick to attend the class can attend the course onlineIf you an Aalto student and are unable to attend due to a sudden illness, please let our teaching assistant Viola Kilpeläinen know as soon as possible via email Preferrably before the lecture.

    Here is the Zoom-link that we will use each lecture:

    On this course we will first discuss the different disruptions that we are currently facing and then dive deeper to their impact on international business. The preliminary course syllabus can be found below.

    Please familiarize yourselves with the readings set for the first session in the syllabus prior to coming to the class. Note that while there is no pre-class assignment for the first session, we do have a Kahoot exercise from the readings - so please come prepared!

    We strongly recommend getting the course textbook because we will utilize it during the course; many of the quizzes are based on the textbook's chapters and we also expect you to draw from the chapters in your reflection papers.

    We are looking forward to meeting you when the course begins on January 11th!

    Best wishes,
    Rebecca, Aleksi, Xiaoshi and Viola