MNGT-E2012 - My Development Journey, Lecture, 12.9.2022-16.6.2023
This course space end date is set to 16.06.2023 Search Courses: MNGT-E2012
Topic outline
Assignment 1:
Develop an initial idea of what you would be interested in writing your master’s thesis on. Focus on what you think would be an interesting research problem/question and the setting in which you might carry out the study. State also whether you would prefer to write the thesis individually or together with a fellow student. You may write assignment 1 jointly with another student in case you intend to write your master’s thesis together. NOTE: no references are necessary. (200-400 words) -
One of the best ways to learn what a good master’s thesis is, is to read a couple of good theses, and to evaluate a thesis relevant to you topic yourself. You can search for electronic thesis at
In this assignment you will analyze and evaluate an existing thesis relevant to your topic/methods/interests/ in terms of what was good and how the thesis could have been improved. First describe briefly the study (200-300 words). Then verbally evaluate it using the Master’s Thesis Evaluation Rubric as your evaluation tool, writing a qualitative analysis of thesis (300-500 words). In the end reflect what you learned from reading this (and other) theses (200-300 words).
The MSc thesis evaluation rubric is attached here. Please note that you will be evaluating a 30cr thesis and the evaluation rubric is therefore also the one for 30cr theses (we will look at the 20cr rubric in January). In your analysis, give your own personal view of how you think this thesis would be different if it was a 20cr thesis.
Please submit your analysis by Tuesday 10 January, 2023, at midnight.
Global Management MSc Thesis instructions and schedule for spring 2023
Please submit your preliminary research proposal by Tuesday 24 January at midnight.
Your research proposal should include your research problem, research question(s), research setting, key conceptual definitions, and ideas concerning your theoretical framework, and preliminary data collection and methodological choices. Please refer to the attached instructions for more detailed guidance.
Make sure you follow academic writing standards in writing the text, i.e. make sure that you do not make claims without references i.e. every concept you use/claim you make regarding literature needs to be supported by reference(s). The length of the proposal is 800-1000 words excluding references.You are strongly encouraged to meet at least once with another student while working on assignment 3. Supervisors will be appointed after Assignment 3 has been submitted. -
Memo on meeting with your supervisor
• Contact your supervisor and agree on a face-to-face meeting• Present / discuss the first draft of the research proposal with them• Write a brief memo in which you summarize your takeaways from the meeting (200-400 words)• Submit in MyCourses and email to your supervisor by 7 Feb -
Research plan and seminar presentation
Write a full-length research proposal in which you have incorporated the feedback from the supervisor and others (you are encouraged to discuss your work with other students). The length of the proposal is 3,000-4,000 words excluding references (i.e. approximately 10-12 pages).Prepare a power point presentation to be used during the research seminar where you present your proposal. Your supervisor may give you more guidance, but please a short presentation (5-10 minutes) since everyone in the seminar will have read your proposal.Email your research proposal to your supervisor and to the other students in your Master’s thesis seminar group. Then upload both the research proposal and the power point presentation to the MyCourses return box. Deadline for both is 28 February. -
Giving oral and written feedback
The research proposals will be presented and discussed in research seminars in groups of 4-5 students in early March. You will be allocated one thesis, for which you will serve as the main discussant in the research seminar. As a discussant you are expected to also provide written feedback to be given directly to the student(s) in question. Submit this feedback document in MyCourses by 7 March.Please note that you will be expected to read everybody’s research proposal and be prepared to offer constructive feedback in the seminar.