
  • Allmänt

    • Please find the relevant material regarding the LeanLab project here.

      Remember that each group is required to submit a PowerPoint report and a shorter PowerPoint presentation.

      The competitive mapping excel is also required but not graded like the PowerPoinr report and shorter presentation, hence do not worry if this is not complete. Remember to complete the MROC sheet, and also the sheet for the market segment that your group was assigned to. Also, feel free to add additional competitors which could be relevant for LeanLab (Note: there is no specific number of additional companies required here).

      If you have any questions regarding the PowerPoint report, PowerPoint presentation, or the competitive mapping excel, please do reach out.

    • Please comment below your thoughts from the Global Supply Chains lecture. Please be encouraged to provide further cases or resources which you think supplment or even challenge some of the knowledge stemming from this lecture. I encourage everybody to constructively engage in discussions!

      We will review these comments, alongside the comments from the Lecture 3 Forum, at the beggining of the Sustainability Paradox lecture.

      Have a great end of the week / weekend!

    • For this lecture, please prepare by completing the pre-readings.
      In class, we will engage in discussion / structured debate to explore different perspectives regarding Lithium mining in Chile. So please keep this in mind when preparing for the lecture. Each student has been assigned to a stakeholder perspective and this can be found in an attached excel file.

      Readings Reminder:

      1. Chile’s Lithium – blessing or curse? (https://www.dw.com/en/chiles-lithium-blessing-or-curse/a-43721539)

      2. Bondy, K., & Starkey, K. (2014). The dilemmas of internationalization: Corporate
      social responsibility in the multinational corporation. British journal of management,
      25(1), 4-22. (mandatory)

      3. Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson. 2001. “The Colonial
      Origins of Co
      mparative Development: An Empirical Investigation.” American
      Economic Review 91: 1369
      1401. (optional)

      If insipired, I encourage you to read more about the specific situation in Chile regarding lithium mining, natural resource mining, renewable energy markets, or even spillover effects of business activity.

      The main focus of this lecture is to explore the complex nature of CSR, and how this should be considered in international strategies.

      (lecture slides will be uploaded before the lecture)