
  • The course consists of traditional lectures and seminar-type presentations 
    given by the participants. Each scheduled appointment can be held according 
    to either option or a combination of both.
    You can use the case or theme type examples in the Assignments section as the topics 
    for the presentations, or you can also suggest the topic yourself. The presentation 
    can be a powerpoint-based presentation of a few slides (10 to 15 minutes) prepared 
    by one participant. It can also take the form of a (shorter) essay of 5 - 10 pages 
    on a topic relating to the subjects of the course. 
    You can use the lecture and other material on the course pages, 
    the exam book and other sources you have searched for. Source tips can be discussed 
    with each presenter or in a group. 
    One meeting may have one or more presentations to be discussed among the participants. 
    Please let us know your desired presentation date well in advance. All appointment dates 
    are possible, because in addition to the introduction (or presentations), a lecture 
    section can also be held. If necessary, suitable days can be arranged, for example, 
    if there are a lot of presentations for the same day.
    The presentation or short essay and lecture examination are ways to complete the lectures and get an exemption 
    from one, self-chosen question in the exam. Points exceeding the acceptance limit (5 points) 
    will be added to the exam score. If you complete both the introduction and the lecture examination, 
    they will be credited in the exam so that the points exceeding the acceptance limit (5 p.) 
    from both are added together and added to the exam score.
    Arrangements for a possible lecture examination and
    exam will be discussed later, and anyone can also make
    suggestions about them.
    In the lecture examination, only the issues presented
    in the lectures and lecture slides are asked. The exam,
    on the other hand, only asks for information about the
    course book (Veil) and not about lectures.
    There are probably five short (2 p.) questions in the
    lecture examination (total score max. 10). The course exam
    consists probably of three or four essay questions (à 10 p. max.).
    The maximum score for the exam is 40 or 50.

    Both the lecture examination and the exam are held as
    traditional on-campus exams. The response time for the lecture
    examination is 1 hour (the first hour of the meetings
    in question is of the lecture or introduction type).
    Exam feedback and assessments
    are sent to Oodi automatically; the evaluation of the lecture
    examination is sent to each participant’s email.
    As indicated, one way to complete the exam is to write
    a (longer) essay of 10 - 15 pages in the course area.
    Writing it is a similar
    performance to the above presentation, but the difference
    is that the purpose of the essay is to complete the entire
    exam and not just get an exemption from one exam question.
    The requirements for a presentation designed to replace one
    exam question are less stringent than an essay designed to
    complete the entire exam in an alternative way: the
    presentation that replaces an exam question does not need
    to have source references as in the essay, and the assessment
    criteria are looser. The evaluation of the essay also takes
    into account the possible points of the lecture examination
    and case presentation (or, alternatively, the shorter essay).
    If necessary, I will put more information about these
    guidelines on the course pages. And always ask when
    something seems unclear!