The Internet Forum lecture series addresses the different aspects - threats and opportunities - of something that concerns us all; digitalization. It's been said that everything that can be digitalized, will be. But what does digitalization mean, in practice, to the Finnish society, and safety and security? What do leadership and ethical questions have to do with digitalization? During the lecture series, expert lecturers give their answers to these and many other topical questions.
The theme this year is Technology, Security and Future – to All of Us.
The lectures are studia generalia public lectures, meaning that anyone can come in and listen. For students of Aalto University (and visiting students) the lecture series is also available as a course.
The course consists of a series of nine online lectures (on Tuesdays, 5 pm to 7 pm (Finnish time, UTC+0200)) plus lecture diaries of all lectures. There will also be an optional exam for extra credits.
All lectures will take place in lecture hall TU2 (Maarintie 8) and will also be broadcast in Panopto. Links to the lectures, and related content can be found in the menu on the left (click the hamburger button in the top left corner if you can't see the menu).
Note that as this is a course you can take multiple times, the course code will be changing slightly from year to year. To find the course in Sisu you need to use the full code. Also, the course needs to be in your
primary study plan (HOPS) for your enrolment to succeed.