Osion kuvaus

  • Module 2 (6.-12.3.) - Strategy and organization design

    • Themes: Strategy and organization design. Functional approach to organizing and organization design.
    • Learning objectives: After the module, you have knowledge on how purpose of the organization can be designed and you are able to see how organization design is impacted by the market environment and chosen strategy. You are also able to compare how different organization design solutions can fulfill the same functional needs. 

    TUESDAY 7.3. :

    Mandatory readings:

    Fjeldstad, Ø. D., Snow, C. C., Miles, R. E., & Lettl, C. (2012). The architecture of collaboration. Strategic management journal, 33(6), 734-750. 

    Fjeldstad, Ø. D., & Snow, C. C. (2018). Business models and organization design. Long range planning, 51(1), 32-39. 

    Tuesday material:



    THURSDAY 9.3.

    Guest Lecture on Thursday: Frank Martela (Post-doc researcher, Lecturer in Aalto DIEM)

    Mandatory readings:

    Martela, F. (2019). What makes self-managing organizations novel? Comparing how Weberian bureaucracy, Mintzberg’s adhocracy, and self-organizing solve six fundamental problems of organizing. Journal of Organization Design, 8(1), 1-23. 

    Optional: https://hbr.org/2022/06/design-your-organization-to-match-your-strategy 
    Optional: Vaara, E., Harju, A., Leppälä, M., & Buffart, M. (2021). How to successfully scale a flat organization. Harvard Business Review.

    Thursday material:


