Topic outline

  • General

    • Final Grade Results File PDF

      Dear All,

      Please find the course results here. The grades will also appear in Sisu soon.

      Kind regards,


    • Submission Deadlines Page


      Tasks to Pass the Course

      08.03 at 23:59

      Indicate team formation in group choice module in MyCourses

      08.03., 15.03., 22.03., 29.03., 05.04. at 23:59 pm

      Write the Learning Log

      29.03. at 14:15 pm

      Read the case and answer the preparation questions (Riera & Jenkin, 2022)!!!

      16.04. at 23:59 pm

      Submit the slides for the final pitch of the project

      19.04. at 14:15 pm

      Present the final pitch of the project

      26.04. at 23:59

      Evaluate the pitch of one assigned cohort (Grade + Feedback)

      27.04. at 23:59

      Flag feedback which you perceive totally unfair

      28.04. at 23:59

      Write an essay


      No additional final exam will take place

    • Team formation Group choice

      Students please form groups of min. 3 and max. 5 students yourselves and indicate your team formation in the Group Choice Module in MyCourses until 08.03. at 23:59 pm.

      You can connect with each other via MyCourses and work on the tasks online or in face-to-face meetings.