MNGT-E3002 - Megatrends as Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Lecture, 1.3.2023-19.4.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 19.04.2023 Etsi kursseja: MNGT-E3002
Osion kuvaus
Final Grade Results Tiedosto PDF
Dear All,
Please find the course results here. The grades will also appear in Sisu soon.
Kind regards,
Submission Deadlines Sivu
Tasks to Pass the Course
08.03 at 23:59
Indicate team formation in group choice module in MyCourses
08.03., 15.03.,
22.03., 29.03., 05.04. at 23:59 pmWrite the Learning Log
29.03. at 14:15 pm
Read the case and answer the preparation questions (Riera & Jenkin, 2022)!!!
16.04. at 23:59 pm
Submit the slides for the final pitch of the project
19.04. at 14:15 pm
Present the final pitch of the project
26.04. at 23:59
Evaluate the pitch of one assigned cohort (Grade + Feedback)
27.04. at 23:59
Flag feedback which you perceive totally unfair
28.04. at 23:59
Write an essay
08.06.2023No additional final exam will take place -
Team formation Ryhmävalinta
Students please form groups of min. 3 and max. 5 students yourselves and indicate your team formation in the Group Choice Module in MyCourses until 08.03. at 23:59 pm.
You can connect with each other via MyCourses and work on the tasks online or in face-to-face meetings.