
  • Session # Date Day of week Session name
    1 24-Oct Monday What is sustainable entrepreneurship?
    2 26-Oct Wednesday Systems change: What is it, and why is it important?
    3 31-Oct Monday Systems change: The role of corporations
    4 2-Nov Wednesday Systems change: The role of entrepreneurship
    5 7-Nov Monday Iteration in Sustainable Entrepreneurship
    6 9-Nov Wednesday What makes sustainable entrepreneurship so hard? (I): Trade-offs.
    7 14-Nov Monday Group Work time (based on Interim report 1 FB)
    8 16-Nov Wednesday What makes sustainable entrepreneurship so hard? (II): Complexity
    9 21-Nov Monday Tensions and complexity in action (I): Tony's Chocolonely
    10 23-Nov Wednesday Tensions and complexity in action (II): Food industry (Guest speaker)
    11 28-Nov Monday Tensions and complexity in action (III): Simulation
    12 30-Nov Wednesday Group Work time (based on Interim report 2 FB)