21E16001 - Sustainability in Business, Lecture, 5.9.2022-13.10.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 13.10.2022 Etsi kursseja: 21E16001
Osion kuvaus
Welcome to Sustainability in Business!
You can find Syllabus 2022 on this page.
We're excited to have you in this course; sustainability is increasingly important in the business world, and this trend is only going to accelerate.
We will use Mycourses as the main learning platform on the course, with all the materials and information listed here. Here are some important details about the course structure and format:
- We will use a mix of in-class and online sessions. There are no hybrid sessions, but each session will be either fully in-class or fully online. The online sessions are held through Zoom.
- There will be pre-class readings and other materials which are listed on Mycourses. Some of these are designated as mandatory, which means that you are expected to go through them before attending the class.
- To get credit for the course, you have to do attend for at least 7/11 of the sessions.
Where to start in MyCourses
This course has a lot of content, and we also want to encourage discussion and two-way dialogue. What this means is that there is a lot going on in MyCourses. To help with this, consider the below 'map' of our content:
- "Session Materials" is where the largest amount of content will be. Each session has its own preparation section.
- "Student Questions" is a place for you to ask general questions about the course or sustainability.
- "Assignments" is the place where you will submit your deliverables.
- We also have a section titled ”Core Business Topics” which are meant as as catch-up for those who would like more general information on some key business concepts (such as strategy or innovation).
A brief note on the layout of my courses
- Navigate between the different sections via the panel on the left-hand side.
- If you do not see this panel, then press the button in the top left corner of MyCourses. This may of course vary by browser and if you are using a phone.
Assignment group sign-up Ryhmävalinta
This is the sign-up for the assignment groups which will be used for all group assignments during the course. Please sign up to a group of choice, or alternatively you can let the instructors assign you to a group by adding your name to the group "Prefer to be allocated to a group". When choosing a group, please try to ensure diversity in group in terms of cultural, linguistic and educational background. We will distribute students from the "prefer to be allocated" -pool to the other groups with a goal to promote diversity. The group size limit is 4-5 members. The instructors reserve the right to shift group members to other groups if needed, after sign-up closes.
The signup will close on Fri 9.9 12:00.
Please note that groups 21-30 will present online.