Topic outline

  • General

    Course schedule (will be updated in coming weeks!)

    12.1. Kick-off meeting (and post-mortem discussions)

    19.1. Pitching, voting and group forming

    26.1. Henna Tuunainen: Scrum lecture

    16.2. Henna's project management tutoring day

    23.2. Workshop week - project break this week

    9.3. 1st playable milestone (latest here - the earlier the better!)

    6.4. Easter holiday - project break

    13.4. Internal testing session before company excursion

    Fri 14.4. 10-12 Game company excursion milestone @ Metacore

    Possible Bit1 - sessions (not sure yet?)

    7.4. Suvi Latva's first lecture

    11.5. Suvi Latva's second lecture

    18.5. Ascension day holiday

    Fri 19.5. 13-17 Final deadline

    23.5.-26.5. Trip to Nordic Game Conference

    Demo Day date to be confirmed (Maybe 7.6.?)