PHYS-E058001 - Climate.Now - Basics of climate change and implications on technology and business (3 or 5 cr), Lectures, 26.10.2022-7.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 07.12.2022 Search Courses: PHYS-E058001
Topic outline
The course consists of the following:
3 cr version
- lectures
- self-study of the / Ilmasto.nyt material
- learning diary
- group work in multidisciplinary groups: discussion tasks in groups + small group work with En-Roads model or IPCC Interactive Atlas
5 cr version- 3 cr requirements
- project work in multidisciplinary groups, connected to Carbon Neutral Aalto 2030 roadmap work
Graded on scale 1-5.
3 cr: Learning diary (75 %), En-Roads/IPCC assignment (25%), multiple choice questions done
5 cr: Learning diary (50 %), En-Roads/IPCC assignment (25%), project (25 %), multiple choice questions done
(Maximum points total 100 p.)Lectures (in Otaniemi, not streamed) cover scientific basics of climate change and selected topics around climate change by visiting lecturers. Lectures are partially mandatory: you should be present 2/3 i.e. 4 out of 6 lectures. If you are absent more than twice, you can do a compensating task.
Extra points (on top of maximum of 100 points):
+ 5 points if all the lectures present
+ 1 point replying the course feedbackSchedule
26.10. Introduction and course start
Science background of climate change: Myth busters
2.11. Clime Out board game session (Clime Out is a learning game by Snowflake Education Ltd.)
En-Roads / IPCC Interactive Atlas small project start
9.11. Ville Lähde (BIOS): “World of crises”
Elina Ruoho: Climate Neutral Aalto 2030 – Guidance for project work 2
16.11. John Millar (ELEC): Riding the waves of existential angst and the achievable challenges of getting carbon out of the power system
Carbon footprint as a measure of climate impact (note change in schedule!)
23.11. Kati Kulovesi (UEF): International climate negotiations: UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement
En-Roads / IPCC Interactive Atlas small project presentations (note change in schedule!)30.11. Meeri Karvinen (ENG): Awareness-based approach and co-creation to promote climate actions
Jouni Keronen (Climate Leadership Coalition): Climate change and economy
7.12. Student presentations, Project 2 (5 cr course)