Course overview
Welcome to the TU-E4320 Global Business in Digital Age -course, part of EIT Digital Master`s program, offered by Aalto Ventures Program.
In this course you will familiarize yourselves with i) how to do an External Market and Internal Organizational Analysis for an internationalizing technology based business organization, and ii) how to analyze and adjust product and service offerings according to the targeted markets and iii) how to make a real market entry plan leveraging the opportunities of the company’s internal and increasingly digital external business environment.
The course will be consist of (mostly) in-class sessions, but all course materials will be available online. Attending the sessions is warmly recommended, however it is possible to conduct the course also online but in that case you will be missing the added value of lecture dicussions and interaction. The course activities are organized and accessable centrally in MyCourses. Some online lecture contents will be leveraged in the EIT Digital Online Learning Platform that the students will gett seperate credentials.
The course will involve:
- Independent study of varied learning materials (readings, video recordings, lecture slides)
- on your own time and schedule BUT stay within course schedule instructed 'bounds' (e.g. DLs) that are intended to support your work on the course project.
- Interactive lecture and Q&A sessions mostly in a classroom on Thursdays 13:15-16:00 (possible online sessions will be instructed separately). The opening session on Thu April 27th will be in-class session (only).
- These may involve presenting visiting lecturers, discussions and feedback about the course project phases, etc.
- Teamwork on the course group project
- The course Group Project is the beef of this "Lern-by-doing" course. Major part of the learning is supposed to take place when working for internationalization analyses and plans for a real-life businesses.
- The bulk of your work on the course will be spent on working with case companies related growth challenges together with company's top management team (TMT) members and your teammates.
- This will include desk research, virtual meetings with company representatives, reading, and writing the report.
- Voluntary individual assignment
- This is a reflective learning diary and has potential to give you +1 on top of your course project grade.
ScheduleThe course begins on Thursday April 27 with a in-presence session (AS6, Tuas Building) and the DL for both the group project and voluntary individual assignments is the June 8th.
The Course Project is done in teams (of 6-8 students that get internally divided into two sub-teams) and in two phases.
The course will be evaluated based on the final course group project. Teammates will receive the same grade unless there is valid cause to deviate from it within the team.
A well done voluntary individual assignment may raise your grade by +1.
Contacting staff
Primary contact channel is the course Discussion Forum in MyCourses.
HHowever, if you have questions that are somehow personal or private in nature, you can email to the responsible teacher: Olli-Pekka Mutanen, first.last (at)