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      We would really appreciate your feedback on this course:


      We use this feedback to develop the next TA course.

      Thank you for your responses!

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      Read and study the materials for teaching session 5

      The substitute assignment will focus on your experiences on this course:

      Reflect on your experiences on this course and think at least about the following:

      • In this course we have discussed different topics, you have read a pedagogical text book, and you have observed teaching. 
      • What do you remember from those activities?

        What have you learnt?

        How can you utilize the learnt knowledge/methods in your work as a teaching assistant?

        Do you see difficulties in applying what you have learnt?

        What would you like to learn more?

      • The teaching assistant has an important role in a student’s learning process. From your point of view, what should a teaching assistant remember when she or he is 
      •  –working with a teacher?

         –guiding a student?

        –planning the exercise session?

        –in the role of teaching assistant representing Aalto University?

      • In this course you have observed teaching: Video observation (two videos, focus on interaction) and an authentic teaching observation (online/onsite, focus on student activity and motivation).

        How did you feel about observing teaching?

        What did you learn from the observations? Any practical tips to share for others?

        Which aspects you found supported students' learning process?

        If you received/gave feedback on teaching, how did you feel about it?

        Something else?

        Write approx. a one page to a page-and-a-half of text for this assignment.

      Deadline for the task is 30.12.2022.