
  • Before the first session there is a pre-assignment with three parts (2 individual tasks, 1 group task): 

    A) Individual reading task (article) 

    Get to know the article: Curriculum in higher education research (2016) by Johanna Annala, Jyri Lindén and Marita Mäkinen. 

    When reading the article, think how do you see your own programme/major in relation to the different curriculum approaches mentioned in the article? Be prepared to discuss the topic in our first session. 

    B) Reflect the objectives of the curriculum

    Take a moment to review your existing curriculum from these perspectives: 

    • Description of the programme / studies: how are the studies described? Is the purpose of the programme clearly expressed? 
    • Objectives: What kind of objectives has been set for the education and what kind of objectives there are for the student? What objectives can you find? 

    Write notes for yourself and prepare to share your findings at our first session with other participants. You can use these reflections in your project report, so save them for yourself. 

    C) Group introduction (team introductions forum) 

    Introduce the group that you are joining with on this course and your goals and main motivation to participate. 

    DL 13.11.2022