Curriculum Development 16.11.2022-8.2.2023
Topic outline
Here you can find all information: groups, templates, links etc. for the group project.
- By 11.12. decide the development project topic, write description and justification to the report and provide a link to the report for the teachers
- 14.12. third session of the course, mentoring teams announced
- By 11.1. send the link to your report for your mentoring team (the report as it at this stage) and start preparing for mentoring (read the other groups report and make notes)
- 18.1. fourth session of the course, team mentoring session (aim is to get support and ideas for others for the project)
- 18.1.-8.2. prepare presentation of your project (report does not have to be ready yet)
- 8.2. final session of the course, project presentations (report does not have to be ready yet)
- 28.2. submit your final report
- Sarvas Risto
- Lindqvist Janne
BIZ Department of Accounting
- Derichs David
- Beyer Bianca
- Sormunen Nina
BIZ Department of Management studies
- Kibler Ewald
- Chliova Myrto
- Galkina Tamara
ARTS: Urban Studied and Planning
- Hewidy Hossam
- Mady Christine
ARTS: Department of Art (Taite)
- Lehtinen Sanna
- Tervo Sakari
- Hohti Paula
- Ziegler Denise
- Sini Vihma
- Nurminen Marja
SCI Aalto Ventures Programme
- Savage Paul
- Kuikka Meri
- Kaira Johannes
- Lahdenne Simo
- Hilavuo Sonja