PHYS-EV0002 - Applied X-ray scattering techniques in materials science, Lectures, 24.10.2022-11.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 11.12.2022 Search Courses: PHYS-EV0002
Topic outline
In this course, you will meet a group of researchers experienced in X-ray scattering methods for materials study. You will acquire fundamental knowledge as well as hands-on experiences in X-ray scattering technology, which we hope can have a positive impact on your research.
Week 43 (2 hours lectures)
Basic principles of XRD/WAXS/SAXS. X-ray facilities at AALTO NMC (Nanomicroscopy Centre) (by Ville Liljeström)Week 44 (2 hours lectures + 2 hours demonstration)
SAXS/WAXS of colloids A (by Zhongpeng Lyu)Week 45 (2 hours lectures + 2 hours demonstration)
SAXS/WAXS to study continuous polymeric materials and moisture interactions. (by Paavo Penttilä)Week 46 (2 hours lectures + 2 hours demonstration)
Introduction of inorganic crystalline materials (single & poly), thin films, and their characterizable properties by scattering methods (by Glenn Ross)Week 47 (2 hours lectures + 2 hours of guided discussion)
SAXS/WAXS of colloids B and synchrotron-based SAXS/WAXS (by Valentina Guccini)Week 48 28.11.2022 (presentation of the group discussion, 3 hours)
Please find the details about CONTENT, ASSESSMENT AND WORKLOAD of this course in the "Syllabus".