Topic outline

    • Reading materials

      This online module focuses on the use of commas [,] in formal writing. At school, you may have been taught to use the comma in the following manner: "when you feel there should be a pause" or "when in doubt, leave it out". These guidelines are too vague and not very useful because people have very different feelings about commas. Fortunately, there are more systematic, syntactic rules for using commas (which can be applied without resorting to a variety of feelings).

      In the Writer's Guide for Engineers textbook (pdf), study section 4.1 (pages 63-74) that focuses on the use of commas. After reading through the rules, go through the exercises 1-4.

      Estimated workload: 2 hours (reading + exercises)

    • Interactive exercises

    • Exercise 2: using comma to mark the subject in a sentence Quiz
    • Exercise 3: punctuating coordinating conjunctions Quiz
    • Exercise 4: punctuating coordinating conjunctions Quiz
    • Exercise 5: Marking off non-essential information Quiz
    • Feedback on Module: Use of Commas URL