MS-EV0002 - Introduction to R programming, Lectures, 21.1.2023-22.1.2023
This course space end date is set to 22.01.2023 Search Courses: MS-EV0002
Topic outline
This intensive course is an introduction to R-programming. The goal is to learn the basic commands required to work with R. Students are not expected to have any prior experience with R-programming. Note that, in order to complete the course, it is mandatory to attend all the lectures. The lectures are from 10:15 to 16:00 on Saturday 21.1.2023 and from 10:15 to 16:00 on Sunday 22.1.2023. There will be a one hour lunch break at 12--13.
Please take your laptop with you. The lectures are in Lecture hall E in Otakaari 1. In case you do not have a laptop and can not borrow one from anyone, then please arrive to U351 instead.
Note that there are no other requirements, besides the mandatory attendance, for passing this course. The possible grades are passed/failed.
The exercises will be available under Materials in MyCourses.
If you have further questions, please email or