
  • Designing Trustworthy AI Systems and Practices

    CS-E400207: Special Course in Computer Science

    Instructor: Nitin Sawhney, Professor of Practice
    Department of Computer Science, Aalto University

    Teaching Assistants & Research Mentors: John Malcolm Anderson, Karolina Drobotowicz, Ana Paula Gonzalez Torres, and Kaisla Kajava

    March 30th to June 8th | 5 Credits (Pass/Fail)

    Thursdays 16:15 – 18:00, Room T4 (CS Building)

    Course Description

    In this exploratory seminar, we examine the critical role of trust in designing, developing, and deploying systems using Artificial Intelligence (AI). By exploring various disciplines we examine how trust can be understood socially, culturally, and cognitively, while devising means for critically engaging these constructs to devise ethical, inclusive, and trustworthy AI systems and practices.

    The seminar will primarily draw on emerging literature on the topic from areas including Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT), Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Designing Information Systems (DIS), computational linguistics, participatory design research, ethical and responsible AI, governance and AI regulation.

    Participants can conduct applied research on existing AI systems, prototype novel approaches, conduct speculative design research, and evaluate potential outcomes. Conceptual, theoretical, and philosophical approaches for critical inquiry are also encouraged. 

    As a graduate-level seminar, all participants must conduct original research in this course, leveraging their own disciplinary backgrounds, critically reviewing published literature, and co-learning from their peers, while contributing to the emerging field.

    Guest speakers and visiting researchers will be invited to offer critical multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging research in these areas.

    Related keynote talks to attend in the CRAI-CIS seminars:

    Learning Outcomes:

    Seminar participants will read assigned articles and work together to present them each week. This activity encourages curiosity and reflection, allowing participants to understand and analyse practical case studies and frameworks for trustworthy AI, interaction design, and evaluation.

    The group will engage in thought-provoking discussions, using critical thinking for reframing dilemmas and challenges to propose alternative solutions, design and technology interventions, critical practices, and ethical policies that can be implemented in both current and emerging AI-based systems and services for societal use.

    Weekly Schedule: (Tentative)

    • 30.03: Week 1: Introducing Concepts of Trust
    • 06.04 - Easter Break
    • Assignment 1: Visual essay / reflection on week 1 readings (12.04)
    • 13.04Week 2: Measuring Trust
    • 20.04: Week 3: Trust in Human and AI Interactions
    • 27.04: Week 4: Designing for Trustworthy Interactions
    • 04.05: Week 5: How Explainability Contributes to Trust in AI
    • Interim research proposal due (04.05) - moved from 27.04
    • 11.05: Week 6: Trust in Human-AI Collaboration
    • 18.05 - Public Holiday
    • 25.05: Week 7: Trust and Privacy in Speech & Conversational AI
    • 01.06: Week 8: Trust in LLMs and Responsible AI
    • Draft research paper for peer-review (05.06)
    • 08.06: Week 9: Final Presentations & Reflections
    • Final Research Paper due (12.06)


    • You must participate actively in all sessions (at least 80% attendance is required).
    • Participants are expected to co-present at least one article from the reading list and prepare probing questions to spur discussions of another article. You may also propose other articles for discussion.
    • Participants should share reflections about the topic and questions emerging in the seminar sessions and on the course blog.
    • Participants must prepare a 10-12 page essay or research paper related to one of the topics discussed and present it in the final session, either individually or in pairs. A draft paper can be submitted by June 5th for peer review and feedback, while the final paper must be submitted by June 12th. 
    • An interim research proposal (2-3 pages with references) must be prepared by May 4th (moved from April 27th) for peer-review and feedback. 
    • The expectation of quality for the final paper is that it could be expanded for submission to an academic conference, workshop or as a policy paper in the future. We encourage participants to use an academic conference template/format for preparing this submission. 


    There are no prerequisites for taking this seminar except motivation, curiosity, and critical contribution. Seminar content will be tailored to participants with different backgrounds and levels of experience. We welcome participants from different disciplines, including science/engineering, business, arts/design, psychology, humanities and social sciences.

    Online Platforms:

    The seminar is set up primarily as an in-person course, though we may support occasional remote attendance and record some sessions as needed. Participants are expected to attend all sessions, and use Slack on a weekly basis to discuss, collaborate, and contribute to the seminar topics.

    Log in to see the access info. for Slack and Zoom, or contact us (by filling out this form) if you wish to join as a guest.