Topic outline

  • General

    ROOM CHANGE - we are in Puumiehenkuja 5, "Boardroom" just to the right of the lobby:

    Impact with Research, Lectures, 2.5.2023-30.5.2023

    Tuesday afternoons from 3-6pm, in room x


    During this course, you will learn the essentials of creating impact with research:
    · What & why: Deepen your understanding of research impact and its importance
    · How: Learn to better identify the potential impact of your research
    · How: Learn to better identify the beneficiaries, end-users, and stakeholders of your research
    · How: Learn to engage the stakeholders of your research for impact and research quality
    · How: Learn to communicate effectively the potential impact of your research to non-expert audiences
    · How: Discover various pathways to research impact and resources in the surrounding ecosystem for your support

    Credits: 2

    Schedule: 02.05.2023 - 30.05.2023

    Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Paul Savage, DSc (Econ.)

    Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):

    CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period):

    Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation): English

    Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: English

    • valid for whole curriculum period:

      During the course, you will learn the essentials of creating impact with your research. You will discover various ways in which research can have impact, learn key skills to help you identify and communicate the value of your research and engage with stakeholders, and become aware of key resources in the surrounding ecosystem for your support.

      The course is composed of five 3-hour sessions, each dedicated to a topic related to impact and communication. The pedagogy is experiential, hands-on learning which exposes participants (as far as possible) to opportunities to create and communcate impact with research. Each session mixes lectures, discussions, workshops, “fireside” panels, teamwork and guided exercises to make sure the participants apply the lessons to their own research.

    Assessment Methods and Criteria
    • valid for whole curriculum period:

      The course is pass/fail, however each assignment must be completed, attendance must be at least 75% (force majeure notwithstanding), and the quality of the assignments must meet doctoral level grading rubrics (more information on demand).

    • valid for whole curriculum period:

      Study Methods:

      The students will be reading and writing on topics related to research impact, commercialization, and communication. As well, they will be preparing to present to a small group of peers every time we meet. Feedback from and to peers is a key learning method. At the end of the course, there is an event where researchers will present to a larger group of internal and external stakeholders.

      The workload is as follows:

      Impact with Research (2 ECTS)

      Course time allocation = 2 * 27 = 54 hours

      1. Contact sessions: 15 hours

      2. Assignments: 25 hours

      a. Pre-assignment: 2 hours

      b. Reading tasks: (100 pages) / (5-15 pages/hour) = 10-20 hours

      c. Learning reflections: 3 hours

      d. Presentation preparation: 5 hours

      e. Feedback given to peers’ presentations: 8 hours

      3. Independent research, reflections and interviews: 14 hours

      Total: 54 hours

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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      S1: Assignment reading material - Talvinen's Added value File PDF