Topic outline

  • Contact: Milo Orlich <>

    Lectures and exercise sessions

    All lectures and exercise sessions will be on campus.

    Lectures: Tuesday 10-12 (hall M1), Thursday 10-12 (hall U6).

    Exercise sessions: Monday 12-14 (hall M1).

    How to complete this course

    The course has no exam. There will be weekly homework:
    • The solutions to some exercises are supposed to be submitted for grading.
    • The solutions of some other exercises are supposed to be presented during the exercise sessions.
    You will get points from both kinds of exercises. In order to pass the course, you need to submit for grading at least one exercise per week and of course get enough points.

    NB: Presenting solutions in the exercise sessions is not strictly necessary to pass the course, but it is recommended if you want to get a good grade. (Active participation is fundamental in this course!)