Osion kuvaus

  • Recommended textbooks 

    • Introduction to Commutative Algebra, by Atiyah and MacDonald. Almost all topics covered in the course can be found in this book. The style is rather dry, but since the book is so short it is easy to find results in it.
    • Commutative Algebra with a View towards Algebraic Geometry, by David Eisenbud. This book is much longer, definitely contains everything covered in the course, lots of examples and, like the title says, applications to geometry. Lengthy explanations and discussions, American style.
    • Commutative Ring Theory, by Matsumura. Also a bit dry, like the first.
    • Invitation to Nonlinear Algebra, by Michałek and Sturmfels. Very friendly and fresh (published a couple of years ago), with applications to geometry and more.

    • Please let me know when you spot a typo, thanks!

      (April 5: added Lecture 12)