
  • What kind of a development project is this? 

    The idea of the project is that each team chooses a small development task about their curriculum to be planned and completed during the course. The project can be a small part of a bigger development whole or a separate experiment. The focus is on collaborative work and real-life challenges. 

    What kind of topics are appropriate?

    The project topic could be for instance about:

    • Trying a concrete tool to develop curriculum, like developing intended learning outcomes, using curriculum mapping
    • Developing practices: designing an annual clock for development, designing a workshop for the teaching community
    • Compiling theoretical framework for the support of your development work 

    What is the outcome of the project?

    The project is documented in the project report (including background, justification for choosing the topic, action plan, description and reflection of the implementation, key learning). Each team will submit one report, that has been written collaboratively. 

    In addition to the project report, the outcome could be something else too, depending on the topic, for instance a new template to be used in the development or description of a new process or practice to be tried out in the future. It is not however mandatory to create something new - testing out existing tools and templates is completely fine too. 

    How are the projects presented?

    On our last session 16.6. each team will briefly (10min.) present their projects. The aim of the presentation is to provide an overall picture of the project for all and to summarise the key learning of the projects conducted during the course. 

    • Your research question and methods - what was the challenge you wished to solve and how? 
    • What was the outcome?
    • What did your learn? 

    The mode of the presentation is free, however considering the aim presented above. Max. 3 slides, if you use slides. 

    Timetable for the project:

    • By 5.5. decide the development project topic, write description and justification to the report and provide a link to the report for the teachers
    • Fri 12.5. third session of the course, mentoring teams announced
    • By 19.5. send the link to your report for your mentoring team (the report as it at this stage) and start preparing for mentoring (read the other groups report and make notes)
    • Fri 26.5. fourth session of the course, team mentoring session (aim is to get support and ideas for others for the project)
    • prepare presentation of your project (report does not have to be ready yet)
    • Fri 16.6. final session of the course, project presentations (report does not have to be ready yet)
    • By 22.6. submit your final report

    Mentoring groups: 

    ARTS: Salla & Jonathan + ARTS: Oscar, Nuria, Namkyu, Kuura, Denise

    SCI: Fabricio & Lasse + ENG: Maaria, Mirjam & Matti

    CHEM: Anna & Pauliina + Matias, Stephan & Augusto