Osion kuvaus

  • Development project presentations
    Prepare a 10 min. presentation of your project


    To provide an overall picture of the project for all and to summarise the key learning of the projects conducted during the course. Keep it simple! It is not necessary to describe the whole process, only the key things


    Each development team will present their project to others on our final session, time 10 minutes / group
    1. Your research question and methods - what was the challenge you wished to solve and how? 
    2. What was the outcome?
    3. What did your learn? 
    Summarize and teach: What would you like to tell or teach others about your experiences? What would be especially meaningful and important for everyone to hear about your project?

    The mode of the presentation is free, however considering the aim presented above. Max. 3 slides, if you use slides.