Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the CS-EV0007 Gender & Technology course!

    Responsible teachers: Louna Hakkarainen (email adress: and Kaisa Karvinen

    Course Assistant: Marianna Malkamäki (email adress:

    If you have any questions on course practicalities, you can create a new topic on the Discussion Forum below and ask your question there, so that everyone can see the question and course personnels' answer to it. You can also email course assistant Marianna if you don't want to ask the question in public. If you have some broader question about the course, email Louna.


    Course schedule

    27.04. Introduction

    04.05. Male designs on technology + docent Julian Honkasalo’s lecture

    11.05. Gender, cities and architecture – walking exercise (with Kaisa)

    18.05. Public holiday, no class

    25.05. Collective speculative exercises (with Kaisa)

    01.06. Cyberfeminism

    08.06. Xenofeminism


    Safer space guidelines collection for course 

    Please read and feel free to add comments!


    Description of the course content

    Gender & Technology course is a space for collaborative learning and imagining as well as a facilitated reading group, where students can develop critical skills for analysing science, technologies and the process of design–as well as their own practice–through a gendered lens. The course consists of pre-readings (e.g. academic texts), facilitated group discussions as well as group and individual work. In the course, we use LARP (live action role-play) as a method of learning and imagining alternative technofutures and -pasts.


    Criteria for passing the course

    In order to pass the course, the participants need to...
    - attend and participate actively in the weekly learning sessions (one absence is ok) 
    - read an article or watch an online lecture designated to their group before each class
    - deliver a small assignment related to the readings/videos before each class
    - participate actively in the group project and the meetings it requires
    - make notes throughout the course and return a learning journal at the end of the course

    Make sure you have delivered all the required assignments, learning journal and the group project by Friday June 16th at 5 pm. 


    Estimation of course workload