Topic outline

  • General

    21st - 25th August 2023 in Campus, Undergraduate centre Otakaari 1 

    Monday 21st August room U115a​

    9:00       Welcome at the main entrance of Undergraduate centre Otakaari 1 (flag door, kandidaattikeskus)

    9:15 -12.00  Communications Engineering lecture

    13:00 -16:00      Data Science

    16:00 -16:10   Course practicalities 

    Tuesday 22nd  room U115a​

    9:00 – 10:30 Project management training

    10:30-12:00 Projects and groups

    13:00 – 14:30    Industrial expert talk     

     14:30-16:00 Project work

    Wednesday 23rd U115a​

    9:00 – 12:00 Ambien intelligence

    13:00 – 16:00 Cultural visit         


    Thursday 24th U115a

    9:00-10:30 Edge computing, service placement in the edge, and energy-efficiency aspects of communication networks

    10:30-12:00 IoT, embedded systems and microcontrollers. 

    13:00 – 14:00 Professional Communications

    14:30-16:00 Leadership and Change management


    Friday 25th U115a

    9:00 – 12:00 Digital health

    13:00-14:30 Security

    15:00 Evaluation


    Week 28th Aug – 1st Sep: Online project work

    Friday 1st Sep: Deadline for turning in Group project