Osion kuvaus

    • Keskustelualue icon

      Each students should upload her thesis draft by starting a "discussion topic" with the title of their thesis. Note that in order to upload your file you need to choose option "advanced" after you start the discussion topic. 

      This should be done at latest on Tuesday Nov 21st at 12.00. The assigned readers should then write their comments before the seminar session by replying to the thread

      As a reader, you should download the draft for which you are a reader before the seminar, read it, and give some constructive comments to the author, a few lines of comments is enough. You should upload your comments before the seminar as a "Response" to the Discussion thread started by the author. 

      (opponents will receive the draft via email directly from the thesis author, and do not need to look for them here). 

      Let us know in case of any questions, and good luck with the preparation! 
      Miri & Nelli

    • Tiedosto icon

      The presentations are on 23.11 and 30.11.
      On the 23.11 the class is at 15-18. On the 30.11 there is one class at 9-12 and one class at 15-18. We will need to use all that time as we have many presentations!

      In the schedule below you can see when you are scheduled to present, and who is allocated as opponent and reader on each thesis.
      See the Time schedule for classroom information for each meeting.

      For more information, see Section 6 of the "BSc in Economics guide" (under "materials") and the material in the classroom meeting on Nov 9.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Opponents should upload their comments here after the seminar when they did the opposition, and latest on the day after the seminar, Friday at 18.00. 

      The opponent comment document should be approximately one page long, and the title of the document should be Opponentcomments_Name (where the name = the name of the opponent.) Inside the file, please clarify the author and the name of the thesis that you are writing the comments for. 

      The opponent should also send their comments separately to the author of the thesis they are commenting on. 

    • Tehtävä icon

      Presenters should upload their slides here before the seminar where they are scheduled to present, and latest 15 minutes before the seminar.