Topic outline

  • General Course Information

    Welcome to Mechanical Engineering in Society!


    MEC-E1001 Mechanical Engineering in Society is a compulsory 5 credit course in the master’s degree program in Mechanical Engineering. It is also integrated with the other compulsory course of the degree, a one-credit  'LC-0400 Communication skills: integrated speech communication course L' , so you tick both off in one go! This course is about what engineers can do: to explore how you wish to contribute to challenging, reimagining and shaping society. We will discuss examples and aspects of engineering careers to see what resonates with you and explore the three cross-cutting themes at Aalto University: sustainable solutions, radical creativity and entrepreneurial mindsets. 

    Learning outcomes

    After the course, you will
    • be aware of the breadth and impact of the mechanical engineering field, both in academia and in industry
    • know how your field connects to a variety of economic, environmental, and societal issues
    • be able to articulate how your own unique professional profile equips you to contribute productively
    • value the importance of collaborating effectively and of communicating your ideas clearly

    Course Schedule

    The course includes workshops with pre-tasks, as well as an assignment in Period I and oral exam in Period II. MEC-E1001 workshops and lectures are all hosted at the Design Factory Stage (K3, Puumiehenkuja 5), the location of the Language Center sessions vary (see the schedulers for more details). The workshops can be completed either by attending the full face-to-face session or via self-study replacement tasks.

    Orientation Week 35 - Wed 30.8. 9-12 @ Design Factory Stage

    • During the orientation week, there is a course kick-off and introduction to project courses in the Mechanical Engineering degree program as a part of the orientation week.

    Period I

    • Week 36 | Fri 8.9. 9.15-10.45: Capabilities in engineering: workshop & pre-task
    • Week 37 | Fri 15.9. 9.15-10.45: Capabilities in engineering: Industry panel
    • Week 38 | Fri 22.9. 9.15-10.45, no class: Office hours for course questions (workshops, assignment, etc) and recommended start of preparing PESTEL assignment
    • Week 39: Book and attend LC session 1: CV [Book CV Session]
    • Week 40: Book and attend LC session 2: Interviewing [Book Interviewing Session]
    • Week 41 | Fri 13.10. 9.15-10.45: Sustainable solutions in engineering: workshop & pre-task
    • Week 42 | Exam, no class: PESTEL assignment due 22.10.

    Period II

    • Week 43 | Fri 27.10 9.15-10.45: Radical creativity in engineering: workshop & pre-task
    • Week 44 | Fri 3.11. 9.15-10.45: Entrepreneurial mindsets in engineering: workshop & pre-task
    • Week 45-46: Book and attend LC session 3: Pitching [Book Pitching Session]
    • Week 47 | Friday 24.11. 9.15-10.45 no class: Office hours for course questions (oral exam, course point status, etc.)
    • Weeks 48-49: Book and attend an oral exam [Book Exam Slot]

    How to pass the course

    The course provides 5 credits upon completion. No part in compulsory, rather different activities provide points towards passing the course. The course is divided into 50 points:

    • Each of the four workshops are worth 5 points, which you get by either attending the full workshop, or by returning the completed replacement task before or latest by its deadline. Please note that in order to secure the points via attendance you must be signed into the session no later than 10 minutes after the class start time. Being late or not signing in will result in you having to complete the replacement task to secure the points. 
    • The four workshop-related pre-tasks are each worth 2 pts.
    • The Period I final assignment is 12 points (the PESTEL assignment).
    • The Period II final oral exam is 10 points.
    Visualisation of points available.
    In addition, attendance in the orientation week and in the industry panel both offer two bonus points (i.e. attending both of them raises your grade by one).
    These bonus points are only available for attending the full session and have no replacement tasks.

    Points are converted to a final grade at the end of the course:

    • 25 points or less: fail
    • 26-30 points: course grade 1
    • 31-35 points: course grade 2
    • 36-40 points: course grade 3
    • 41-45 points: course grade 4
    • 46-50 points: course grade 5

    Note that to provide equal treatment and transparent assessment practice for all students, we do not offer separate opportunities to raise grades. Instead, you can track your point total and feedback during the course to calibrate how much effort you put into the course to get the grade you are looking for.

    Communication Skills (LC-0400) course integration 

    The Language Centre's course 'LC-0400 Communication skills: integrated speech communication course L' is integrated into MEC-E1001 (LC-0400 is also a mandatory course in the master program). There is no need to enroll for LC-0400, participating in their three workshops awards 1 more credit upon completion. You need to book and attend one LC workshop from all three schedulers to gain the credit, which will show up as a separate 1 credit LC-0400 in Sisu. If you have any questions about them, please get in touch with Language Center teacher Henriette Kervinen. Book your slots early to ensure you get the one your prefer - booking is open!

    Course Contacts

    If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact the teaching team, MSc Paul Geraeds (, in English), Dr Vikki Eriksson (, in English) or prof. Tua Björklund (, in English or suomeksi). For the Language Center sessions and credit, teacher Henriette Kervinen ( can help you.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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