Topic outline

  • General

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      Latest news (23.12.2023 at 23.45 o'clock):

      Thank you for the participation and Happy Holidays!


      ... and the information should be in SISU now.



      Older updates:
      No actual new for 1.12.2023. All the  material has been provided by 24.11.2023. 
      Check the DDH material available (report template etc.) under ... Assignment 2: DDH system assignment.
      New deadline for DDH assignment is 5.12.2023.

      We went through DDH assignment on Friday 24.11.2023 in Undergraduate Centre and in TEAMS (link below).
      Updated version(s) of the pump benchmarking tool available (24.11.2023).
      Assignment materials (slide set version 5) now available including report template.
      The classroom will be the same the next week (U351).
      Attention! This different from rooms U344 and Y344, of course!
      Check the rooms below (Schedule).

      • Fill the FINAL report (available)
      • Check DDH file 5 for FINAL instructions
      All the material should be available now (23.11.2023).
      DDH material available under ... Assignment 2: DDH system assignment.

      New features for the DDH system (on 23.11.2023, DDH slide set 5):
      - Load holding valve
      - Pressure oscillations
      - Testing with ... acceleration feedback
      - Changing the gravity vector of ... direction of gravity load
      - These are also content for the FINAL report

      .................... HISTORICAL MATERIAL  ..................

      The grading is done for ...
      The recorded session on Friday 27.10.2023 did not include much sound after the first hour.
      Sorry, we will try to make it better the next time (Friday 3.11.2023 ->).
      Also, we reworked/repeated the DDH related things on 3.11.2023!

      The Seal model benchmarking has been graded
      The Cylinder model benchmarking has been graded.
      • Use the template available (includes also the cylinder tenmplate).
      • Instructions in slide set Exercise 4, pages 18 ... 20
      The next deadlines are ... later.

      This should have been done:
      • 27.10.2023 Seal model benchmarking
      • fill in the template document
      • benchmark your seal model(s) by using instructions in Exercise 6 slide set, page 21 ->
      • benchmark and upload your filled template document

      Assignment 1 materials available!

      The recorded sessions should be in TEAMS as well.

      TEAMS link available

      Check for
      - Textbook (myös suomeksi, valikosta vasemmalta)

      Course schedule 2023

      In our Fluid Power courses we will use …
      • Matlab
      • Simulink
      • If you attend Systems and/or Basics course:
      • download also Simscape Fluids (Isothermal Liquid toolbox needed) and perhaps Multibody

        As you have Aalto's IT license, you can download Matlab and some other useful software to your personal computers, if you like from web page ....

      If you have anything to ask or comment, please contact ...

      See you!


    • Folder icon
      Lecture slides Folder

      Lecture slides will be added here

      Slide set 6 (new version 12.10.2023)

      • end force model corrected (page 31, figure: red arrows)
      • cylinder system tuning instructions, pages 8 - 11
    • Assignment icon
      Cylinder model benchmarking Assignment

      Assignment: Cylinder model benchmarking

      Use the Template (Word file included)

      Instructions in

      - Exercise 2 slides, pages 21-23


      - Exercise 3 slides

      Deadline Friday 22.9.2023,  23.59 o'clock

    • Folder icon
      Assignment 1 materials Folder

      Materials for Assignment 1

      - Instructions

      - Measurement file

      - Proportional control valve datasheet

    • Assignment icon
      Proportional Control Valve benchmarking Assignment
    • Assignment icon
      Seal model benchmarking Assignment
    • Assignment icon
      Assignment 1: Personal simulation work report

      Deadline 3.11.2023

      Assignment 1: Personal simulation work report
      Reporting Instructions - Powerpoint file (available)
      Upload 3 files:
      1. Report (template available)
      2. Final simulation model
      3. Parameter file (m file)

    • Assignment icon
      Assignment 2: DDH system assignment

      DDH system assignment

      Deadline: 1.12.2023 -> new deadline 5.12.2023 (made 28.11.2023)

      Materials: (should be updated)

      - report template FINAL version (Fluid Power Dynamics DDH system FINAL report template 2023 Student My Name)

      - check document 5 for final instructions

      - pump benchmarking plots -> compare your own pump performance with example plots

      - NEW versions (24.11.2023), some old/expired code renewed, R2022a is for older Matlab versions

      1. Pump_model_efficiency_benchmarking_2023_24112023
      2. Pump_model_efficiency_benchmarking_2023_24112023_R2022a

      Matlab code for closing windows is:

      %Close Simulink Scope windows
      shh = get(0,'ShowHiddenHandles');
      hscope = findobj(0,'Type','Figure','Tag','SIMULINK_SIMSCOPE_FIGURE');