LC-9010 - Kiina 1, Luento-opetus, 7.9.2023-30.11.2023
This course space end date is set to 30.11.2023 Search Courses: LC-9010
Topic outline
课本 course book: 吃了吗? Chi le ma? (Annala, Cheng, Palomäki) + audio
Please note that this book is also used for all the following Chinese 2 and 3 as well. Please borrow or buy the course material before the start of the course.
You can purchase the book i.e. here: or in book stores.
Audio recording material: OR download the Otso app for free.
More information about the Otso app here:
The publisher (Otava) has published the first chapter as a sample file on their webpage:
Chinese Characters 1 (Kiinan kirjoitusmerkit 1 | 汉字一)Please also consider taking the self-study course Chinese Characters course 1 (credits: 2) which is a supporting course for this one.There will be only one lecture for Chinese Characters 1. The course is optional but recommended. Although the course is marked as a lecture course in SISU, it is a self-study course. The material for the characters course will be provided by the teacher.For the written exam of this course, you do not have to write Chinese characters, but you have to recognize them.